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I believe strongly in centering the voices of stakeholders in crafting policy and often use the phrase “nothing for us without us” to reflect my belief that the best policies are crafted by those most directly impacted. My areas of legislative focus include criminal justice, reproductive justice and health care protections, and ensuring our laws secure equality for those too often neglected and ignored by our government.

"Nothing for us without us."

~Representative Kelly Cassidy

103rd General Assembly

House Bills

House Bill 5238- Weather Radios in Manufactured Homes

Installers of newly manufactured homes are required to supply weather radios during installation. This measure aims to save lives by equipping Illinois residents with access to vital information in case of severe weather events. 

House Bill 5431- Fair Treatment of Incarcerated Pregnant People

Improves the treatment of incarcerated pregnant and post-partum people, ensuring that they are not forcibly restrained and have access to supplemental nutrition while imprisoned. It also requires county sheriffs to annually report the number of pregnant prisoners, and those who deliver or miscarry while in custody. 

House Bill 5239- Protection from Out of State Investigations of Abortions

The State of Illinois will not aid another state’s investigation of people coming to Illinois to seek reproductive healthcare and allows minors to apply on their own behalf for aid under the Family Planning Program. The law also gives people the right to sue if their information is improperly shared.

House Bill 4409- Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Reforms

The oversight board for the Adult Redeploy Illinois program will now have two seats for individuals who have gone through the program, establishes a grant program that funds will be allocated to communities through, and refers to individuals in the program as “Justice-impacted Individuals.”

House Bill 5290- Medical Debt Relief Act

Seeks to alleviate medical debt for Illinois families through the creation of the Medical Debt Relief Pilot Program Fund. Individuals would have to have a household income below 400 percent of the federal poverty level or possess medical debt amounting to at least 5 percent of their household income to qualify. 

House Bill 3521- Reporting of Suspected Abuse in Hospital Affiliates 

Requires hospital affiliates to report suspected abuse of a patient at hospitals and facilities operated by a hospital affiliate, such as doctor’s offices and clinics.

House Bill 581- Protection of EMTALA

(Chief Co Sponsor) Protects Illinois patients from another likely Supreme Court rollback of reproductive rights by ensuring Illinois hospitals follow the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act by providing medically necessary services—including abortion services—to stabilize a patient at risk of severe injury or death

Senate Bills

Senate Bill 2740- Condo Building Accessibility 

Requires that condominium buildings ensure that accessible parking spaces are available for people with disabilities. Also in a building that sells parking spots, it states that if a person with an accessible parking spot cannot find a qualified buyer then the condo building will buy the spot to reserve it for a person in need of an accessible parking spot.

Senate Bill 3285- Resentencing Expansion for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Expands resentencing opportunities for victims of domestic violence, clarifies that those who committed crimes under duress, coercion, and compulsion due to domestic violence and gender-based violence are eligible for resentencing even if they accepted a plea deal

District Office Hours

1507 W. Morse Ave

Chicago, IL 60626

Monday - Thursday 

9 am - 5 pm 


Staff Works Remote

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District Office Contact

Phone: 773-784-2002


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