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Salud reproductiva

Proteger el acceso a la atención de la salud reproductiva fue una de mis primeras entradas al activismo. He servido como acompañante de clínica y he trabajado con líderes a nivel local, estatal y federal para proteger la elección durante décadas. Patrociné la Ley de Salud Reproductiva y copatrociné activamente tanto del Proyecto de Ley 40 de la Cámara de Representantes como de la derogación de la Ley de Aviso de Aborto a los Padres. Este verano, me complació que el orador Welch me pidiera que dirigiera el grupo de trabajo encargado de elaborar una legislación que respondiera a los problemas planteados por nuestro estado, pacientes y proveedores a la luz de la caída de Roe v Wade con la publicación de la decisión de Dobbs. En esta sección, proporcionaremos antecedentes sobre cómo esperamos que esta decisión nos afecte aquí en Illinois y actualizaciones a medida que el grupo de trabajo se prepara para la sesión.

¿Cuál es la actualización?

In English

En Español

The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), an organization that is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees, has put together a variety of Know Your Rights resources. To find more information about ICIRR, their programs, services, and resources, visit

Know Your Rights Cards

ICIRR has also put together Know Your Rights Cards. These come in a variety of languages and can be printed, folded, and carried with you to be handed to an ICE officer in the case of an interaction. We will also have copies of these printed at our office.

ISBE Releases Non-Regulatory Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Actions

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From the Document: The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has received numerous requests as it relates to enforcement actions by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or one of its associated agencies (e.g., U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement or Customs and Border Protection) on school property. This document is intended to serve as non-regulatory guidance for public schools that are searching for more information in this area.

Click on the image above for full document.

What To Do If You Or A Loved One Is Detained

The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) has put together a comprehensive list of steps of what to do if you or a loved one has been detained by ICE. This ranges from locating someone in detainment to finding an attorney. Click the above image to go their website and visit this resource.

Guardianship Considerations

 Access to Justice has created a frequently asked questions document with things to consider if someone is taken into ICE detainment with guardianship over a child/children at home. Click on the graphic above to access this document.

Emergency Family Plan Packet

 Access to Justice, The Resurrection Project, and the Chicago Legal Fund have partnered to create this Emergency Family Plan packet that you can fill out and print to have your family be ready in case of an emergency. (In both English and Spanish Below) 

In English

Emergency Family Plan ENg.png

En Español

Emergency Family Plan ENg.png

Organized Communities Against Deportation: Is It A Raid? 

OCAD has put together a handy guide on how to report immigration activity while avoiding spreading misinformation and causing a panic. It is important that we watch out for ICE, but make sure that the information that you are spreading is credible. 

OCAD English.png

In English


En Español

Chicago Tribune: If you’re arrested by ICE in Illinois, what happens next? Legal experts explain the process.

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Click the photo above to see a Chicago Tribune article 

Immigration Attorney Referral List

 ICIRR has created a list of immigration attorneys in the Chicagoland area noting what languages they speak, their specialties, etc. Click on the image above to expand this list.

ICIRR Agency Referral List

Additionally, ICIRR has provided a list of non-profit agencies providing free or low-cost assistance with immigration matters. They are broken down by type of immigration case/application, deportation defense being one of them.

Other Attorney Resources

  • National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC): If you are detained, or are calling about someone in detention: Call the NIJC Detention Project at (773) 672-6599 on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Detained immigrants call collect at (312) 583-9721 or use the pro bono platform and NIJC's 3-digit code, 565. 

  • Midwest Immigrant Defenders Alliance (MIDA): MIDA provides free legal services to eligible immigrants in detention through the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), The Resurrection Project (TRP), The Immigration Project (TIP), and the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender (CCPD). If a MIDA representative is present the day of your first hearing, you might have the opportunity to request a free representative, but MIDA representation is not always available. 

  • American Immigration Lawyers Association directory: 

Other Helpful Resources and Links



-Hotline is staffed in English/Spanish/Korean/Polish

-Can connect immigrant community to social services, legal aid, policy updates, financial assistance, and law enforcement 

-Is a place to report ICE activity/provides support to locate someone in ICE custody

Horario de oficina del distrito

5533 N.Broadway

Chicago, IL 60640

Lunes - Viernes 

9 am - 5 pm 

Cassidy Logo (1).jpg

Contacto de la oficina del distrito

Teléfono: 773-784-2002

Fax: 773-784-2060

Correo electrónico:

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